Anitha N

TAFE employees on a journey of constant learning
News | Initiative

TAFE helps employees speak Hindi, promoting constant learning

Tractors and Farm Equipment Limited (TAFE) as an organization has learning imbibed in its DNA, supporting and encouraging its employees to constantly develop and upgrade themselves. With a strong commitment to nurture the lives of its people, TAFE has several initiatives that are a catalyst to its peoples growth.

TAFE regularly engages with its employees through workshops and discussions to understand their needs and requirements. Through L3 workshops and employee engagement sessions conducted across the organization with respective functional heads; requests for Hindi spoken classes emerged, as employees wanted to be able to fluently converse with teams all over India.

The HR team based on this request, partnered with Mrs. Vimala Radhakrishnan to design the language course curriculum. Mrs. Radhakrishnan was also the facilitator for these Hindi classes, which were scheduled over two months, comprising 40 hours of learning and spread across three days a week post office hours from 6 pm to 7 pm.

Mrs. Radhakrishnan is known for her unique approach to teaching Hindi, as she teaches the language using English and the native language – Tamil in this case. Her approach was to focus on pronunciation through sounds – Phonetics (Tamil and English), and consciously avoid grammar first, as it would not be applicable to learning spoken Hindi.

TAFE teams that have already been through the classes include, the IT and Finance teams based out of TAFE Head Office, and a few R&D teams from TAFE Sembiam.