TAFE Doddaballapur has been awarded the ‘Best In Class Manufacturing’ and ‘Lean Six Sigma Award’ at the World Quality Congress 2014 held in Mumbai.
TAFE DBR Wins NCQC Awards at Kolkata
Nine teams from TAFE DBR participated in the National Convention on Quality Concepts organized by the Quality Circle Forum of India (QCFI), held between 20-23 December, 2013, at Kolkata. QCFI is a national professional body that aims at propagation of quality concepts and philosophy with special focus on Quality Circles.
Of the nine teams, six teams won the Par Excellence Award and three teams bagged the Excellence Award. The teams Peacock, Daffodils, Rainbow, Challenger, Roaring Lions, Phoenix, Crusaders, Ganga and Thunder have demonstrated leadership standards of Total Quality Management (TQM) at the Doddaballapur plant and are sure to take manufacturing to an all new level, with the able guidance of Mr. V. Srinivasan, AVP-TAFE DBR Operations.
Congratulations to all the participants and the entire DBR team for this landmark achievement.
TAFE DBR Shines at NCQC 2012
TAFE Dhodballapur seems to have the Midas touch!
Teams from DBR took part in the National Convention on Quality Concept 2012 (Quality Circle Competition) held at Kanpur from 18th Dec to 20 Dec 2012. This was conducted by Quality Circle Forum of India.
Six teams had taken part from DBR, among a total number of 846 teams across the nation.
The DBR teams were Peacock, Daffodils, Challenger, Rainbow,Spark & Tortoise. Out of these, four Teams won the first level prize (Par Excellence), and the other two teams bagged the second level prize (Excellence)
What a great way to end the year! Cheers to Dhodballapur once again 🙂
TAFE DBR Excels in the 25th Karnataka State Level CII QC Competition
TAFE Doddaballapur won the 25th CII Karnataka State Level QC Competition 2012 held at Hotel West End, Bangalore, on November 8, 2012.
A total of 26 teams participated in the competition.
Two teams from DBR performed excellently. Challenger Team, from Machine shop won the Consolation prize, and Peacock Team from Final Approval won the Best Theme and Problem Selection.
Yet again, DBR has been recognised for its awesomeness!
TAFE DBR Wins First Prize in 5S Competition Conducted by ABK AOTS
The TAFE Doddaballapur (DBR) tractor plant, Bangalore, made us proud once again by securing FIRST PLACE in the 5S Contest organized by ABK AOTS at Chennai (Large Scale Manufacturing Sector). Further, the TAFE DBR team was also invited to share their ‘5S Best Practice’ in a seminar conducted during the award ceremony.
Cheers to the team!