
Stress-Free Zone Launched at MDU

Madurai operations launched a cafeteria, referred to as the Stress Free Zone. This place was named in the same fashion as the Safety Zones in the plants.

This Stress Free Zone is a pay and use cafeteria at MDU where employees can have refreshments and also socialize with co-workers during the course of a busy day.

Since the MDU plant is situated about 40 kms from the city of Madurai, there are not many refreshment cafes nearby. To overcome this, the HR team and the Plant Head, with the help of the Admin team, set up this cafeteria. The initiative was put into action after receiving suggestions from employees on what facilities to implement.

The MDU employees work six days a week, and have a very busy routine. Hence, This stress free zone clearly serves as a very useful refreshment center for them!

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