S Vanangamudi


Allahabad Safeda Guava

This article “Allahabad Safeda Guava”  – ‘Poor man’s apple contains rich vitamins’ was written by Mr. S.S. Nagarajan, Vice President (Agri Research), TAFE in Kisan World, December 2013 – All over India Agri. Journal in English.  This magazine is purely meant for agriculture and rural upliftment.

This article was submitted by S. Vanangamudi, TAFE, Corporate Office.

Read full article in the links below:




Mr S S Nagarajan Shares His Wisdom on Kisan World and Dinamalar

Our very own Mr. S S Nagarajan, Vice President (Agri.Research), TAFE, has written two insightful articles on Kisan World magazine and Dinamalar, Madurai respectively, for the November issue.

1.  Try Paddy cultivation – Success often comes to those who dare and act

Part 1 – http://www.pinterest.com/pin/128985976801704989/

Part 2 – http://www.pinterest.com/pin/128985976801704993/

2.   Maduraiyil Vivasayigal Mahilchi.


Many thanks to  S. Vanangamudi, TAFE, Corporate Office for sending us these articles.